In the four years that have passed since eXXpedition in 2015, much has come to pass in both personal and global spheres. I have learnt much about myself and the world, and about hard work, resilience and patience. I have learnt the difference between short term games and long term gains, and how it feels to fall apart at the seams. There have been moments of weather beaten defeat and the darkness of heartbreak.

These days I carry a shell.

But there is light, I am moving out of the tunnel and in to the dawn of a new decade. This year we will see change, the climate battle, or the battle to open the eyes of a comatosed civilisation to the inevitable dawn of a new era, is well underway. The battle cry had been uttered and swords have been drawn.

In order to understand the place we are in and how to move forward we must first understand that the earth is not static nor stable. It never has been and never will be. We must also understand that we have existed for a blink of an eye in our current form. The questions we face today include how we can best navigate the tumultuous water ahead so that the damage incurred is not unevenly spread across societies.

Stella Marina1 Comment